Level 1 water restrictions apply

Water restrictions are in place, see details for more information.


Weather Conditions

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Valid as of 18/09/2024 5:25:34 AM

Weather Forecast

Updated 15 minutes ago · Last checked 12 minutes ago · Checked every 30 minutes

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Council is not responsible, liable and cannot guarantee that any data, information, and materials contained through this platform are accurate, current or complete. All requests should rather be directed to a data authority.

Data sources

Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)

Weather Warnings

Updated 15 minutes ago · Last checked 12 minutes ago · Checked every 30 minutes

Marine Wind Warning Summary for New South Wales

4 hours ago

Severe Weather Warning for parts of South Coast, Southern Tablelands, Snowy Mountains, Australian Capital Territory and South West Slopes Forecast Districts.

5 hours ago

Warning to Sheep Graziers for Snowy Mountains forecast district

5 hours ago

Final Flood Warning for the Hastings River

6 hours ago

Disclaimer & Data Sources

Council is not responsible, liable and cannot guarantee that any data, information, and materials contained through this platform are accurate, current or complete. All requests should rather be directed to a data authority.

Data sources

Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)

UV Index Forecast

Updated 19 hours ago · Last checked 3 hours ago · Checked every 6 hours

Disclaimer and Data Sources

Council is not responsible, liable and cannot guarantee that any data, information, and materials contained through this platform are accurate, current or complete. All requests should rather be directed to a data authority.

Data sources

Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)

Hourly UV Index for Sydney

Valid as of 18/09/2024 5:25:42 AM

  • UV Index
Disclaimer and Data Sources

Council is not responsible, liable and cannot guarantee that any data, information, and materials contained through this platform are accurate, current or complete. All requests should rather be directed to a data authority.

Data sources

Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)

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